The Nelsons Eye

Why the name Nelson’s Eye?

Is it because the best cuts come from the rear, and Nelson was a Rear Admiral? Or is it because Horatio symbolizes everything we hope to achieve in the domination/franchise market? Well in truth, it’s none of these things. Our founder has long since disappeared into cholesterol heaven and when we tried to make contact with a relative who may know the reason for the name we were told to bugger off. So, we don’t know…

Featured Dish

Our Quisine

Our Culinary Chef

We are a steakhouse in existence since the early sixties and we pride ourselves on producing a product far superior to our competitors. Our steaks are guaranteed super grade, grain fed beef. It is hung on the carcass for up to seven days and then packed by professional butchers. The meat is wet-aged for up to twenty-one days and then cut to order before your very eyes.

Our steaks are grilled with a basting sauce – and not marinated, which adds flavour to the meat. All main courses are served with freshly cooked creamed spinach and a choice of baked potato or golden fried chips or savory rice.


Easy access and don’t loose time waiting.

Nelson’s Eye Restaurant

Tel: +27 83 701 7101


Dinner: 7 nights a week from 6pm till late!